The Why behind FAIR data and PHT
Invited talk, HealthRI 2020, Utrecht, the Netherlands
Invited talk, HealthRI 2020, Utrecht, the Netherlands
Organized workshop, Digital Society conference 2019, the Netherlands
Invited talk, GROW science day 2019, Maastricht, the Netherlands
Invited talk, NefeMed innovatielab 2019, the Netherlands
Invited talk, VvE Symposium BIG DATA, Utrecht, the Netherlands
Invited talk, BMosa conference, Maastricht, the Netherlands
Conference poster, ICCR 2019, Montreal, Canada
Invited talk, Annual NvT meeting 2019, Ede, the Netherlands
Invited talk, KWF visit at Maastro, Maastricht, the Netherlands
Invited talk, CTCM conference 2019, Roermond, the Netherlands
Invited talks, Digital Society conference 2918, the Netherlands
Invited talk, Breath biopsy conference 2018, Cambridge, UK
Invited talk, Benelux Precision Medicine, Utrecht, the Netherlands
Conference poster, ESTRO 2019, Barcelona, Spain
Conference presentation selected by abstract, Annual NvT meeting 2017, the Netherlands
Conference presentation selected by abstract, European Respiratory Society 2015, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Invited talk, Imperial College, London, UK
Conference presentation selected by abstract, Annual NvT meeting, the Netherlands